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  •   marymathamst@gmail.com
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  • . Message To Parents

Your child is a precious treasure you have graciously received from God. Education of the child is the prime obligation of the Parents, So we believe that every parent must try to find sufficient time, irrespective of your heavy schedule, to take care of the child. Enable your child to learn the lessons of love, kindness, faith, truth etc. from the lap of the mother and father. Do not entertain the impression that your child will learn these lessons from others. The school authorities and teachers can only extend a helping hand in order to fulfil your obligation. In order to secure all that is best in the education of children, the maximum co-operation and support of parents is desired. Let us all co-operate with each other in this noble endeavour.

The following are some of the things which the parents have to keep in mind.
  • The parents should not pay much heed to the complaints of the children but should try to inculcate in the students respect for teachers and to maintain discipline and honesty.
  • Parents / guardians shall not dictate terms to the school authorities on disciplinary actions, nor they shall indulge in any form of rivalry among themselves on account of certain unwanted behaviour of the students in the school.
  • However, if there are genuine and legitimate complaints, discuss the matter with the Principal during the office hours with prior appointment.
  • The parents or guardians are not allowed to enter the classroom during school hours. Neither shall they meet the students nor interview the teachers during school hours without prior permission of the principal.
  • The person who is authorised to take the child back home should be introduced to the school authorities by the parents / guardians.
  • Parents are strongly requested not to take the child back home before the scheduled time.
  • Criticism of teachers or school authorities in the presence of your child should be avoided everywhere because it might promote the child to lose respect for the teachers and school authorities.
  • Parents may please notify the school of any change in their address or telephone numbers.
  • School matters, including telephone calls will be attended only during school hours.

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